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Holy Shrines

Karbala receives Arbaeen pilgrims with 50,000 flowers

Within the preparations of receiving the Arbaeen pilgrimage to Imam Hussein peace be upon him, the Department of Plantation of Imam Hussein shrine has completed planting more than 50,000 flowers at the entrances of the holy city of Kerbela, where pilgrims come through.


Within the preparations of receiving the Arbaeen pilgrimage to Imam Hussein peace be upon him, the Department of Plantation of Imam Hussein shrine has completed planting more than 50,000 flowers at the entrances of the holy city of Kerbela, where pilgrims come through.

Murtedha Hussein Radhi, department assistant director, said that they have imported a new type of flower from Holland, confirming that the planting process will continue during the days of the Arbaeen pilgrimage.


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