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Holy ShrinesNEWS

Reconstruction of shrine of Holy Prophet’s companion ‘Abdullah ibn Khabbab ibn al-Art’ begins in Baghdad

The Secretariat-General of the Holy Shia Shrines in Iraq announced on Wednesday that it laid the foundation stone for the reconstruction and expansion project of the shrine of the martyred companion Abdullah ibn Khabbab ibn al-Art, may Allah be pleased with him, in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

The ceremony was attended by a large number of religious scholars, engineers, architects, and a crowd of the lovers and loyalists of Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them.

The head of the project committee, Engineer Salam Ali, said that the project is being implemented in two phases. The first phase, which is currently underway, includes the construction of the structural framework of the shrine. The second phase, which will begin later, will include cladding works, infrastructure, and other services.

Abdullah ibn Khabbab ibn al-Art was a companion of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his pure family, and his successor, Amir al-Mu’minin, peace be upon him. He was killed by the Khawarij who revolted against their Imam.

The reconstruction and expansion of the shrine of Abdullah ibn Khabbab ibn al-Art is a significant project that will allow more people to visit the shrine and learn about the life and legacy of this important companion.

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