Montreal, California student organizations host events to propagate true Islamic path of Ahlulbayt

The cities of Montreal and California hosted prominent Shia events in the past few days, organized by the TMA and ABSA student organizations, which include a number of university students from the followers of Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them.
These Shia events aim at introducing the true path of the Holy Prophet and his pure family, peace be upon them.
The student organizations released a statement on their official websites saying, “McGill University in Canada witnessed the holding of a special conference titled ‘Shias and the World Today: Theology, History, and Modern Era,’ which lasted for three consecutive days”.
The conference was attended by specialized professors in Shia religious and historical studies, including researchers from Harvard University, who discussed “providing a coherent understanding of the followers of the Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, its theological foundations, historical development, and importance in the modern era.”
In California, during the same period, the ABSA 23 Leadership Summit was held by the Ahlulbayt Students Association (ABSA) in collaboration with the TMA and Concordia organizations, with active participation from Shia students, researchers, and academics.
During this summit, discussions were held on “the importance of unity among Shia student organizations in North America, as well as how to empower them to become a national and international voice for Shia Muslims.”
The participants also engaged in “discussions on the importance of strengthening the Shia identity, creating more Shia spaces on campus, and fostering more collaboration between different cooperative bodies across North America,” expecting “further cooperative efforts in next year’s summit”.