WFP Reduces Aid for Syrians

The World Food Program has announced that it will have to cut food aid to Syrians in half due to reduced financial support and depletion of aids.

According to Al-Mayadeen news network, the World Food Program announced in a statement: The unprecedented financial crisis in Syria has forced this organization to reduce its aid to about 2.5 million people out of the 5.5 million people who depended on the aid of this organization.

The statement said: WFP has exhausted all options in the face of very limited resources.

It has also decided to give priority to the three million Syrians who cannot survive for more than a week without food aid.

The World Food Program will no longer be able to continue serving 5.5 million Syrians as food aid runs out by October.

According to the report of the World Food Program, 12.1 million people suffer from lack of food security in Syria.

2.5 million people are also facing severe lack of food security, and, about 6.7 million people are internally displaced.

FILE – Displaced Syrian men wait for food near an NGO charitable kitchen in a refugee camp near Azaz, Syria, Oct. 23, 2012. This image was one in a series of 20 by AP photographers that won the 2013 Pulitzer Prize in Breaking News Photography. (AP Photo/Manu Brabo, File)

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