Members from the Imam Hussein Media Group invited to church of England Primary School in London to discuss with Year 1 students all about Islam

Members from the Imam Hussein Media Group were invited to a Church of England Primary School in London to discuss with the Year 1 students all about Islam.

An interactive lesson was held in which the children were so excited and eager to learn about the religion. The kids were able to discuss what they already were aware off but wanted to also build on their knowledge.

The oneness of God, importance of prayer, Ahlulbayt (AS), Ramadan and Arbaeen were just a few of the things that the children learned about in their class.

They were taught that the most important thing in Islam is to be a good person, respect others and to always be kind to one another.

A major focus was on the importance of giving to charity highlighting to the children that we should not take what we have for granted because there are thousands of people who have less than we do and that we should always be grateful to God.

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