May marks International Muslim History Month

The international Muslim history Month kicked off on Monday 1st May, this serves as an opportunity to appreciate and learn about the contributions of Muslims throughout history.
IMHM, is currently marking its third year, and is a month-long celebration of the rich and diverse history of the Muslim community, organsiers said.
This years theme is #GetToKnowMuslims and it emphasises the importance of learning more about the contributions of Muslims throughout history, and how it can help us celebrate the diversity and richness of our global community.
World Hijab Day which launched in 2013 also called on people to commemorate the month by sharing their solidarity poster or joining the conversations by using the hashtag.
The organisation is honoured that the state of New York has recognised IMHM since 2021 highlight saying
‘The significance of this event, as it provides an opportunity to combat Islamophobia by increasing awareness and appreciation of the incredible accomplishments of Muslim men and women throughout history.’