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NEWSPakistanShia Medias

Central chairman of Islami Tehreek-e-Pakistan honors students of Gilgit-Baltistan

Islami Tehreek-e-Pakistan Central Secretary General Allama Dr. Shabbir Hasan Maithmi organised an Eid Milan Party for the students of Gilgit- Baltistan living in Rawalpindi Islamabad.

The students were urged to also give religious education equal importance as religion with secular education can result in success in this world and the hereafter.

Sheikh Mirza Ali, Chief information officer of Giglit- Baltistan Cooordination Council also spoke on this occasion where he congratulated all students who travel to acquire knowledge and specifics that this is remarkable and equally appreciated.

He urged the students to uphold the religious attachment that has been the distinguishing feature of the people of Gilgit and to equip themselves with religious values.

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