NEWSReligious Authority

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi issues fatwa forbidding use of violence against demonstrators

The Supreme Religious Authority, His Eminence, Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, issued a fatwa forbidding governments to use violence against demonstrators demanding their legitimate rights.

This fatwa issued as Arab and Islamic countries are witnessing grave violations against peaceful demonstrators and those demanding legitimate rights and freedoms.

In a statement received by Shia Waves, His Eminence said in a question addressed to him about the permissibility of governments using violence and weapons against the demonstrators that, “This is never permissible,” stressing that “protesting is a right guaranteed by Sharia, and that violence does not exist in Islam”.

His Eminence emphasized that Arab and Islamic governments should “act in accordance with the Prophet’s and his Vicegerent’s – Imam Ali (peace be upon them), governmental policies; by guaranteeing people’s rights and their decent lives, and not to using violence by all forms against the demonstrators.”

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