AfghanistanIslam WorldNEWS

Execution and disappearance of security men in the Afghan forces

Dozens of countries have pointed the finger at Taliban terrorists, who took control of Afghanistan in mid-August, accusing the movement of carrying out executions and enforced disappearances of former members of the police and security services.
The joint statement was issued by the United States of America, Algeria, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, the European Union, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Britain.
“We are deeply concerned about reports of executions and enforced disappearances of former members of the security forces, as documented by Human Rights Watch and others,” the states said in the statement.
These countries also considered that these alleged measures constitute serious violations of human rights and contradict the amnesty announced by the movement previously, calling on the new rulers of Afghanistan to ensure the implementation and adherence to the amnesty throughout the country.
The statement added that the reported cases must be investigated promptly and in a transparent manner, and those responsible must be held accountable, and these steps must be clearly announced in order to constitute an immediate deterrent to further killings and disappearances.

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