Iraq: Terrorist plot to target Khanaqin during Eid thwarted

The head of the security committee in Diyala province, Talib al-Moussawi, on Sunday, foiled a terrorist plot to target the Khanaqin district in Eid.
The head of the security committee in Diyala province, Talib al-Moussawi, on Sunday, foiled a terrorist plot to target the Khanaqin district in Eid.
According to a statement from the PMU, Moussawi said that within the security plan designed to secure the celebrations on Eid al-Adha, the PMU have carried out pre-emptive operations to track down the remnants of ISIS, which resulted in finding the largest cache of terrorists in Zour Khanaqin.
He pointed out that the cache is the headquarters of ISIS in Al-Zour and contains logistical materials and military equipment.
Moussawi added that the terrorists wanted to carry out criminal attacks to target the security of the city of Khanaqin in Eid, pointing out that the PMU put a tight security plan within the sector of responsibility in coordination with security forces to secure the celebrants during the Eid in Diyala province.