The Pioneer: “The first terrorist attack in history took place in Karbala!!”

The Indian daily newspaper “The Pioneer” published an article in which it asserted that just 50 years after the demise of Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him and his progeny, in 632 AD, terrorists started wearing the cloak of Islam to hide their bestiality and immorality.
The newspaper said in its article that “Islam prohibits violence and promotes peace and justice. The Quran says “Prophet Mohammad was sent to the world as a mercy to mankind” (21:107). It states categorically: “Allah abhors any disturbance of peace” (2:205). Since there’s no provision of violence in Islam, why is terrorism across the globe is carried out in the name of religion and who are these terrorists wearing the cloak of Islam?”
The article added, “The answer is that just 50 years after the demise of Prophet Mohammad in 632 AD, the true essence of Islam had started yielding to criminal groups of virulent political power-wielders, who proclaimed themselves as caliphs by severely terrorising gullible Muslims through the might of the sword. For gaining mass support, these terrorists have been associating themselves as head of the religion and commander of the faithful, calling themselves “caliphs”.
The author of the article, Hasan Khurshid, explained that “the beginnings of the establishment of this terrorist thought were when Yazid usurped the Caliphate of Islam and demanded allegiance from Imam Hussain, peace be upon him. He refused to subscribe to Yazid ibn Muawiya as the caliph of Islam as Yazid was a hardcore terrorist, a brute and a libertine. He was immoral to the extent that a bare mention of his evil deeds is taboo in civilized society.