The closure of Sana’a International Airport impedes the arrival of medicine for 29,000 diabetic patients

The Vice President of the Center for the Treatment of Diabetes Patients in Yemen, Abdul Kafi al-Haddad, revealed the suffering of diabetic patients as a result of the continued closure of Sana’a International Airport by the Saudi coalition.
Al-Haddad said in a statement that the Diabetes Treatment Center receives more than 120 patients for examination and surgery, adding that the number of patients at the Diabetes Treatment Center has reached nearly 29,000 patients.
He continued, that during the last six years, the center has received more than 15,000 patients, and there are many other cases spread in various hospitals in the provinces of the Republic, pointing out that the Diabetes Treatment Center is the only one of its kind in Yemen and receives patients from different provinces.
He stressed that one of the main reasons for the deterioration of the conditions of diabetic patients is the arrival of medicines to them, and their effectiveness has been affected by the conditions of their transportation by land and not by air.