Grand Ayatollah Shirazi: The Husseini cause will be clearer and more global, despite skepticism and hostility

The Supreme Religious Authority, His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, stressed the necessity of defending the holy Husseini rituals and repelling suspicions and doubts about them.
In his lecture delivered to the mourners at the end of the painful Ashura season, His Eminence called for paying attention towards the Husseini cause and rituals.
The Grand Ayatollah expressed his regret at some of the intellectuals who question the holy Husseini rituals, and said: “The Holy Quran expressed them with demons and presented them over the demons of the jinn.”
His Eminence explained that “today there are those who give sermons and lectures and question the rituals of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him”, pointing out that “some intellectuals who are influenced by skepticism and whom Imam Ali, peace be upon him, described as savages do not doubt Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, but his holy rituals.”
His Eminence emphasized that “it is our duty to dispel these doubts in support of the great Husseini cause,” stressing that “the Husseini cause will remain immortal and become universal.”