Iraq: Two death sentences for the legal Mufti of al-Qaeda terrorist organization

Today, the Salah al-Din Criminal Court issued two death sentences against the legal Mufti of al-Qaeda terrorist organization in the province.
A statement issued by the Supreme Judicial Council and received by Shia Waves stated, “The terrorist admitted in his statements his work as a legal mufti in the al-Qaeda terrorist organization, and he is one of its founders in Shirqat.”
The statement added, “The terrorist admitted to issuing fatwas stating the killing of a member of the army and police, in addition to his participation in kidnappings and several murders, and his targeting of the Peshmerga forces.”
The judiciary explained, “The convict is the official of the Information Division of the state of southern Mosul, and he purchased weapons and distributed salaries to ISIS terrorists.”
He pointed out that “the Salah al-Din Criminal Court / the Second Commission issued two death sentences against the terrorist, based on the provisions of Articles Four of the Anti-Terrorism Law, No. 13 of 2005 and (406) of the Penal Code of 1969.”