A body affiliated with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has strongly condemned a recent Swiss referendum on banning the covering of the face in public places.
The Independent Permanent Commission for Human Rights of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (IPHRC) said, in a tweet via Twitter, that it strongly condemns the Swiss ban on face coverings as blatant discrimination, inconsistent with the ideals of pluralism and tolerance on the one hand, and violating international and regional human rights obligations, on the other.
It added that such anti-Islam measures are counterproductive to societal cohesion.
The human rights body also urged the Swiss government to give priority to its obligations under international human rights law, and to repeal the ban.
It concluded by saying, “Swiss Muslims should go to the European Court of Human Rights, which is signatory to the United Nations treaties, and the international community, to involve the Swiss civil society in order to enhance societal respect and solidarity.”
On March 7, more than two million voters casted their votes in the referendum on a proposal launched by right-wing groups to ban the wearing of the veil in public places.