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Medical NewsNEWS

Immunotherapy shows promise in reducing skin cancer and sunspots, study finds

Researchers at the University of Queensland have found that immunotherapy, commonly used to treat advanced cancers, can also significantly reduce sunspots and skin cancers. The study monitored 23 patients receiving intravenous immunotherapy for cancers such as melanoma, lung, tonsillar, and renal cell carcinoma.

Over 12 months, researchers observed a 65% reduction in sunspots, with some lesions disappearing entirely. By three months, 80% of patients had fewer sunspots, and by 12 months, all had shown improvement.

Professor Khosrotehrani noted that while immunotherapy is known to stimulate the immune system, this study is the first to quantify its impact on precancerous skin conditions. The findings could lead to new prevention strategies for individuals at high risk of skin cancer.

Lead author Dr. Charlotte Cox highlighted the significance of the discovery, given that skin cancer affects two-thirds of Australians before age 70 and costs the health system $1.8 billion annually.

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