Imam Hussein Media GroupNEWS

Imam Hussein Media Group receives group of cyclists on journey to Holy Karbala

The Secretary General of Imam Hussein Media Group, Hujjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimeen Sheikh Mustafa Al-Mohammadi, received a delegation of cyclists who arrived in the holy city of Karbala after a sports and humanitarian journey that lasted several days, during which they traveled a distance of 585 kilometers.

The team leader, Haider Al-A’sam, briefed Sheikh Al-Mohammadi on the details of the trip, which started from Basra Governorate, passing through Dhi Qar, Muthanna, and Diwaniyah Governorates, before reaching the city of the Master of Martyrs, peace be upon him.

Al-A’sam explained that the timing of the journey coincided with the anniversary of Imam Hussein’s departure from Medina to Mecca on the 28th of Rajab, culminating in Holy Karbala on the 3rd of Sha’ban, the anniversary of the Imam’s blessed birth.

He noted that the purpose of this journey was not solely athletic but also humanitarian, as the team sought to collect donations to support widows and orphans in Iraq. The team included 45 participants from various nationalities, including Kenya, Tanzania, Singapore, and Canada.

For their part, the team members expressed their determination to visit the shrine of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, to deliver a message of peace and security, reflecting the values of solidarity and humanity, emphasizing that the journey was not merely a sports challenge but also embodied the spirit of brotherhood and community parti

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