First of Jumada al-Awwal marks historic Tobacco Fatwa of Grand Ayatollah Mirza Muhammad al-Shirazi

Today marks the anniversary of the “Tobacco Fatwa,” issued by Grand Ayatollah Mirza Mohammad Hassan Shirazi, which sparked a powerful popular uprising in Iran against British colonial influence.
This historic decree ultimately led to the revocation of exclusive tobacco rights held by a British company, compelling the Qajar Shah to cancel the agreement and resulting in the expulsion of around 400,000 British personnel from Iranian territory in 1309 AH.
In 1891, Shah Naser al-Din of the Qajar dynasty granted the British a sweeping monopoly over Iran’s tobacco industry, triggering widespread concern among Iranian scholars and citizens. They viewed the agreement as a British strategy to control Iran’s economy and politics.
In response, Ayatollah Shirazi, a prominent Shia cleric known as “the Great Reviver,” issued a religious edict prohibiting the use of tobacco. His well-known decree stated, “Using tobacco is forbidden in any form, and anyone who uses it is akin to one who fights against the Awaited Imam.”
The fatwa had an immediate and dramatic impact on Iranian society. People across Iran, including in the Shah’s own court, boycotted tobacco, with some even destroying smoking paraphernalia.
According to accounts, the Shah requested a water pipe from one of his wives, who refused, saying, “It is forbidden.” When he questioned the source, she reminded him that the same religious authority who permitted their marriage had now forbidden tobacco.
This movement swept across Iran as millions adhered to Shirazi’s prohibition, dealing a severe financial blow to the British company. Eventually, the economic impact forced the Shah to annul the contract with the British.
Born on 15 Jumada al-Awwal in 1230 AH, Ayatollah Shirazi rose to prominence as a religious leader following the death of his mentor Sheikh Morteza Ansari. He was instrumental in advancing Shia scholarship and in founding the seminary in Samarra, Iraq. His career was marked by a commitment to Islamic causes and resistance to colonial powers.