“The Hidden Imam and the End of Time”: New report on significance of belief in Imam Mahdi and its impact on global politics

The Project on Shi’ism and Global Affairs at Harvard University’s Weatherhead Center has released a new report titled “The Hidden Imam and the End of Time: A Primer on the Mahdi , Islamic Theology, and Global Politics”.

The report aims to enhance public understanding of the concept of the Hidden Imam, may Allah Almighty hasten his honourable reappearance, his pivotal role in Islam, focusing on the importance of this belief within Islamic heritage while addressing the knowledge gap surrounding it among researchers, policymakers, and the general public.

It emphasizes that the belief in Imam Mahdi, may Allah Almighty hasten his honourable reappearance, is a fundamental aspect of Islamic doctrine for hundreds of millions of Muslims worldwide, including those in Western communities. However, the profound dimensions of this belief are often misunderstood or undervalued.

The report explores the character of the awaited Imam, may Allah Almighty hasten his honourable reappearance, the doctrine of waiting for his reappearance, and examines the prevalence of this belief among both Sunni and Shia Muslims. It highlights key distinctions between the concept of the Imam and the role of the caliph in Islam, underscoring the spiritual and political significance of this belief.

Additionally, the report discusses how this belief influences the social and political affairs of Muslims, illustrating its connection to social movements and global issues.

This report comes at a time of increasing interest in Islamic issues and their impact on global politics, marking an important step toward understanding how faith in Imam Mahdi, may Allah Almighty hasten his honourable reappearance, shapes Muslim communities and their role in the global context. By presenting this report, the Weatherhead Center aims to provide valuable insights that contribute to fostering dialogue and mutual understanding among cultures and religions.

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