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Freemuslim Association highlights importance of education on International Literacy Day

On the International Literacy Day, the Freemuslim Association—an international anti-violence organization—has reiterated its solidarity and support for global efforts to eradicate illiteracy, calling on the faithful youth to enhance their scientific and intellectual skills to uplift their communities and serve humanity.

In a statement received by Shia Waves Agency, the organization emphasized the importance of knowledge and learning in Islam, noting that the first verse revealed in the Holy Quran stresses the obligation of reading for all those capable.

The Freemuslim Association said: “More than 1,400 years ago, Surah Al-Alaq highlighted the significance of reading and learning as an essential part of the Islamic faith and human development”, adding that after centuries of human progress, the international community has recognized the importance of literacy, and the United Nations has dedicated a global day to emphasize the necessity of spreading reading and writing skills among the illiterate.

Citing the words of Imam Ali, peace be upon him: “O people, know that the perfection of religion is in seeking knowledge and acting upon it, and that seeking knowledge is more obligatory than seeking wealth,” the organization called on the youth to develop their capabilities in various fields to achieve comprehensive societal progress, affirming that knowledge is the key to advancement and prosperity for individuals and societies.

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