Sweden plans to increase payments to immigrants to leave country

Sweden’s right-wing government announced plans to significantly increase payments to immigrants who voluntarily leave the country, offering up to 350,000 Swedish kronor ($34,000) starting in 2026, news reports said.

According to experts, the move reflects a broader shift in migration policy as the government, supported by the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats, seeks to reduce the number of immigrants.

Currently, payments for returning immigrants are capped at 40,000 kronor per family, but few have taken advantage of the offer, with only one person accepting it last year. Officials believe the increased amount will appeal to migrants who are long-term unemployed or reliant on state benefits.

This latest proposal is part of a broader crackdown on immigration, which also includes tightening visa requirements and making it easier to expel migrants involved in criminal activity. Other European countries also offer financial incentives for voluntary returns, but Sweden’s proposed amount would be among the highest.

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