Shia Rights Watch releases its August report on anti-Shia rights violations

Shia Rights Watch (SRW) has released its August report, highlighting significant human rights violations against Shia Muslims in various countries.

The report has detailed terrorist attacks, oppressive actions, and other violations that are difficult to document due to the lack of evidence and eye witnesses.

In Kabul, Afghanistan, the SRW’s report said tgat a bomb attack claimed by ISIS targeted Shia neighborhoods, resulting in one death and several injuries.

In Pakistan, the authorities arrested a Shia rights activist in Multan. Also Shia pilgrimage processions in Balochistan were attacked, leading to injuries. In Pishin, a bombing killed two children and injured 16 others, while Shia mourning gatherings were attacked by the militant group “Lashkar-e-Jhangvi,” causing more casualties.

In Bahrain, the report said that a Shia cleric was sentenced to three months in prison for delivering a sermon during Holy Ashura.

In Kuwait, Shia Rights Watch mentioned tgat authorities extradited a Shia individual to Bahrain despite threats to his life.

In Saudi Arabia, the Special Criminal Court in Riyadh sentenced two Shia detainees to death and others to prison. Additionally, a detainee died under torture in the General Investigation Prison in Dammam, with reports of further executions of Shia prisoners.

The organization concluded its report on Iraq, confirming that multiple regions experienced attacks by ISIS, resulting in deaths and injuries. Authorities also discovered unidentified bodies in the Qaratepe area of Diyala province, showing signs of gunshot wounds.

The SRW’s report underscores the severe conditions Shia Muslims are facing in these countries, urging the international community to take responsibility for protecting human rights and ensuring justice and equality for oppressed communities.

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