Iraqi: Extensive campaign to collect DNA samples from families of ISIS victims Tal Afar

The national team specializing in collecting DNA samples began its mission last Sunday in the Iraqi town of Tal Afar in Nineveh Governorate.

This is the fourth campaign aimed at gathering information and blood samples from the families of ISIS victims, in an effort to uncover the fate of hundreds of missing persons believed to be buried in mass graves.

The campaign, which started in the Youth Forum Hall in the Military District of Tal Afar, will last for five days and welcomes families of victims from Tal Afar, Sinjar, and neighboring villages, who are flocking in large numbers to provide their samples.

In the previous three campaigns, the team collected information and blood samples from 164 individuals from Tal Afar.

Approximately 1,200 Turkmen citizens, including 120 children and 460 girls and women, went missing during ISIS control over Tal Afar and Sinjar. Although 53 have returned after the region’s liberation, the rest remain missing.

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