NEWSReligious Authority

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi recalls biography of Imam Sheikh Mohammad Taqi al-Shirazi

The Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, remembered with great sorrow the anniversary of the passing of the leader of the 1920 Revolution, Imam Mirza Sheikh Mohammad Taqi al-Shirazi, may Allah Almighty have mercy on him.

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi praised the significant roles that Imam al-Shirazi played during his leadership of the Shia community worldwide.

On this occasion, the Grand Marja stated: “Imam Sheikh Mohammad Taqi al-Shirazi (may Allah be pleased with him), this great scholar with his knowledge, piety, asceticism, and ethics, stood up against the greatest colonial power in the world at that time, which was Britain, often referred to as Great Britain.”

He added that “Imam Sheikh Mohammad personally confronted this global arrogance and the occupation led by Britain. It is noted in his life history that he was the only person who began leading the eternal 1920 Revolution and succeeded in expelling the British occupier from Iraq.”

Grand Ayatollah al-Shirazi explained that “Mirza al-Shirazi succeeded in mobilizing the seminaries, tribes, and other forces to fight against Britain’s control over Iraq when Britain was the largest colonial power on earth,” pointing out that “at a time when the British were claiming that the sun never sets on their empire, this scholarly Sheikh confronted them with success.”

His Eminence highlighted that “this Shia religious authority, established by Ahlulbayt (peace be upon them), which meets all Taqlid conditions, played the largest role in confronting colonialism, as was the case with the authority of Imam Sheikh Mohammad Taqi al-Shirazi.”

Grand Ayatollah al-Shirazi concluded his statement by calling on future generations to “follow the path of this scholarly Sheikh, drawing inspiration from his biography, knowledge, piety, asceticism, and struggle.”

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