Grand Ayatollah Shirazi to address scholars on eve of blessed month of Ramadan

In order to achieve the spiritual readiness for observing the great month of Ramadan and performing its duties, and to familiarize with its rulings, the Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, will deliver a speech to a gathering of religious scholars at his hounorable residence in the holy city of Qom.
According to the official website of his office, “Grand Ayatollah al-Shirazi will deliver a special speech to the religious scholars on the occasion of the upcoming holy month of Ramadan for this year.” The speech will be delivered at his esteemed residence in the holy city of Qom on Saturday, March 9, 2024, at 8:00 PM Iraq time.
In his valuable speech, he will provide special advice to the religious scholars and Hussaini preachers to acquaint them with their duties and great responsibilities in guiding people and conveying the message of God and the teachings of the Prophet and his pure family, peace be upon them.
It is worth mentioning that Grand Ayatollah al-Shirazi’s speech will be broadcast live on several Shia channels, including Imam Hussein satellite channels in six world languages.