Holy Karbala-based Misbah Al-Hussein Foundation distributes sacrificial meat to needy families

The director of Mi’sbah Al-Husseini Foundation for Relief and Development in Holy Karbala, Abdul Sahib Al-Kishwan, stated that dozens of sacrificial animals were slaughtered on the 15th of blessed Sha’ban this year, with the intention of the safety and protection of the awaited Imam al-Mahdi, may Allah hasten his reappearance.
Al-Kishwan explained that “this year’s initiative included sacrificing dozens of animals and distributing their meat to poor families, orphans, martyrs’ families in several Iraqi provinces including Holy Karbala, Nineveh, Salah al-Din, Basra, Baghdad, and Thi Qar.”

Al-Kishwan emphasized that “this blessed initiative is carried out following the recommendation of the Supreme Religious Authority, His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, who repeatedly emphasizes the importance caring for Shia families.”
The initiative was conducted in collaboration with Imam Hussein Charity (IHC) and Imam Hussein Media Group, in coordination with several offices of the religious authority in Iraqi provinces that contributed to distributing the sacrificial meat to beneficiaries.
Al-Kishwan also mentioned that cooperating institutions included Anwar Al-Jawadeen Foundation, Baqiyatullah Al-Azam Foundation, Al-Sadiqah Fatimah Center, and the Public Relations Office in Baghdad.
In Basra, charitable institutions such as Ahlul Bayt Foundation, Al-Sadiqiah Charitable Organization, and Batal Al-Aqami Charitable Organization participated in this humanitarian initiative.
In Thi Qar, Fayd Al-Batoul Charitable Foundation and Al-Muqaddas Al-Shirazi Organization were among the centres that carried out the initiative.
Also in Salah al-Din, Tuz Khurmatu Charitable Association and the residents of Balad district took the responsibility of distributing the sacrificial meat to the needy families.