WFP Launches Emergency Food Assistance for Victims of Flood in Myanmar

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has initiated an emergency relief response to aid over 100,000 individuals impacted by severe flooding across five states in Myanmar, reliefweb reported yesterday.
Triggered by intense monsoon rains since late June, the flooding has affected more than 200,000 people, with many displaced from their homes. As of August 6, satellite data from WFP’s Advanced Disaster Analysis & Mapping indicates that approximately 855,000 people are residing in flood-exposed areas.
WFP Myanmar’s Representative, Paolo Mattei, emphasized the urgency, stating, “This flood comes at a time when food insecurity in Myanmar is at an emergency level.” Currently, WFP teams are delivering lifesaving assistance, including cash, rice, nutritious foods, and fortified biscuits, to at least 120,000 affected individuals in Bago, Kachin, Kayin, Magway, and Sagaing. The organization is closely monitoring the situation to expand its response as necessary.