Religious Authority

Scholarly meetings of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi continue at his residence in Holy Qom

Scholarly meetings of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi continue at his residence in Holy Qom

Grand Ayatollah, Sayed Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, held his scholarly meetings on Islamic jurisprudence and beliefs at his honorable house in Holy Qom. In the scholarly meeting of his Eminence, held on Wednesday, 15th February, one of the believers asked the…
Mesbah Al-Hussein Foundation holds its 5th meeting on ‘Karbala Vision Project’

Mesbah Al-Hussein Foundation holds its 5th meeting on ‘Karbala Vision Project’

The Mesbah Al-Hussein Foundation for Relief and Development, affiliated to the Supreme Religious Authority, has revealed that a number of Iraqi officials expressed their readiness to support “Vision of Holy Karbala 2030 – 50 Million Pilgrims in Arbaeen” project. The…
Imam Hussein TV viewers from Bradford visit channel’s headquarters in Holy Karbala

Imam Hussein TV viewers from Bradford visit channel’s headquarters in Holy Karbala

A group of 50 Imam Hussein TV viewer from the city of Bradford in the UK travelled to the holy city of Karbala to visit the broadcasting tower of the channel. After graciously performing Ziarah to Hazrat Aba Abdullah al-Hussein…
House of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi begins holding mourning ceremonies on martyrdom of Imam Al-Kadhim

House of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi begins holding mourning ceremonies on martyrdom of Imam Al-Kadhim

On the occasion of the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Musa ibn Jafar al-Kadhim, peace be upon him, the honorable house of the Supreme Religious Authority, His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, began holding mourning ceremonies. According to a…
Mesbah Al-Hussein Foundation reiterates determination to assist needy families

Mesbah Al-Hussein Foundation reiterates determination to assist needy families

The Mesbah Al-Hussein Foundation for Relief and Development, headquartered in Holy Karbala, reiterated its determination and readiness to assist the underprivileged and orphan families and to provide them with basic needs. The Public Relations official In the Foundation said in…
UNICEF: Hundreds of children die as temperatures continue to drop in Afghanistan

UNICEF: Hundreds of children die as temperatures continue to drop in Afghanistan

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) stated that due to a combination of the bitterly cold weather this winter and illnesses, hundreds of children have passed away this January, as per its official Twitter account. The tweet brings up that…
Shirazi centers in Turkey rush to provide relief to earthquake victims

Shirazi centers in Turkey rush to provide relief to earthquake victims

The death toll for the Turkey/Syria earthquakes has gone past 37,000, Turkish authorities officially say 31,974 people have been killed in the country, whilst more than 5,800 people are dead in Syria. However more than 8,000 people have been pulled…
Mesbah Al-Hussain Foundation, in cooperation with IHC, distributes firewood to Afghan families

Mesbah Al-Hussain Foundation, in cooperation with IHC, distributes firewood to Afghan families

In cooperation with the IHC organization (Imam Hussein Charity), the Misbah Al-Hussein Foundation for Relief and Development, affiliated with the Office of the Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadiq Al-Husseini Al-Shirazi, distributed firewood to the poor and needy families…
Imam Hussein Media Group begins live broadcast of Pilgrimage of Imam al-Kadhim

Imam Hussein Media Group begins live broadcast of Pilgrimage of Imam al-Kadhim

Millions of mourners are preparing to gather at the Holy al-Kazimiya Shrine to mark the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Musa al-Kazim (AS), martyred on the 25th of Rajab in the Islamic calendar. According to historical accounts, Imam Musa al-Kazim (AS)…
Deputy of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi represents Islamic position at Inter-Parliamentary Union

Deputy of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi represents Islamic position at Inter-Parliamentary Union

The Deputy of the Supreme Religious Authority, His Eminence, Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, Hujjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimin Sheikh Salih Sibawayh, represented the Islamic and legal position in the first session of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) 2023, which was…
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