Religious Authority

27th of Ramadan; anniversary of cancelling the Tobacco Treaty after issuing Mirza Shirazi’s Fatwa

27th of Ramadan; anniversary of cancelling the Tobacco Treaty after issuing Mirza Shirazi’s Fatwa

The 27th of Ramadan marks the anniversary of the Tobacco Protest   The 27th of Ramadan marks the anniversary of the Tobacco Protest, which was a Shi’a revolt in Iran against an 1890 tobacco concession granted by the Shah to Great Britain. The protest was held by…
Group of female cultural activists visit the Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi

Group of female cultural activists visit the Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi

A group of Shia female cultural activists have visited the Eminent Grand Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq Husseini Shirazi   A group of Shia female cultural activists have visited the Eminent Grand Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq Husseini Shirazi, may Allah prolong his life,…
Delegation of Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi’s office visits orphans in Holy Karbala

Delegation of Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi’s office visits orphans in Holy Karbala

A delegation from the Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi has visited families of martyrs who fought against IS takfiri groups   A delegation from the Karbala office of the Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi has visited families of martyrs who fought against IS takfiri…
Son of Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi participates in funeral ceremonies of Kuwait mosque’s martyrs

Son of Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi participates in funeral ceremonies of Kuwait mosque’s martyrs

Funeral ceremonies have been held for the martyrs of the terrorist attack on Imam Sadiq Mosque in Kuwait.     Funeral ceremonies have been held for the martyrs of the terrorist attack on Imam Sadiq Mosque in Kuwait. The Eminent…
Ayatollah Sayed Hussein Shirazi visits wounded worshipers of Kuwait Shia mosque

Ayatollah Sayed Hussein Shirazi visits wounded worshipers of Kuwait Shia mosque

son of the Sadiq Husseini Shirazi has visited the wounded worshipers in the recent Kuwait terrorist attack   Ayatollah Sayed Hussein Shirazi, son of the Eminent Grand Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq Husseini Shirazi, may Allah prolong his life, has visited the wounded worshipers in…
The Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi releases a statement condemning the terrorist attack on Imam Sadiq Mosque

The Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi releases a statement condemning the terrorist attack on Imam Sadiq Mosque

Sayed Sadiq Husseini Shirazi released a statement condemning the aggression against the worshippers   The Eminent Grand Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq Husseini Shirazi, may Allah prolong his life, has released a statement condemning the aggression against the worshippers in Imam Sadiq, peace be upon…
Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi’s office visits Secretary-General of Imam Hussein Holy Shrine

Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi’s office visits Secretary-General of Imam Hussein Holy Shrine

Karbala office of the Grand Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq Husseini Shirazi   A delegation of the Karbala office of the Grand Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq Husseini Shirazi, may Allah prolong his life, visited the Secretary-General of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine, Sheikh…
Delegation of Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi’s office visit Marjaea TV in Holy Karbala

Delegation of Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi’s office visit Marjaea TV in Holy Karbala

A delegation of Sayed Shirazi office in the holy city of Karbala   A delegation of the Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi’s office in the holy city of Karbala, headed by Hujat-ol- Islam Waluslimeen the Eminent Sayed Mahdi Shirazi, has visited the office…
Scientific debates kick off at the house of Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi during Ramada’s nights

Scientific debates kick off at the house of Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi during Ramada’s nights

Like the previous years of Ramadan, scientific debates and sessions have been kicked   Like the previous years during the month of Ramadan, scientific debates and sessions have been kicked off at the house of the Eminent Grand Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq Hussaini…
The Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi asserts scholars’ responsibility is to show the true image of Islam

The Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi asserts scholars’ responsibility is to show the true image of Islam

Sayed Sadiq Husseini Shirazi may Allah prolong his life delivered a valuable speech before the commencement of the holy month of Ramadan   The Eminent Grand Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq Husseini Shirazi, may Allah prolong his life, delivered an invaluable speech before…
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