
Dismantling work on Sayyeda Ruqayya’s holy grille started 

Dismantling work on Sayyeda Ruqayya’s holy grille started 

Work on dismantling the old holy grille of Sayyeda Ruqayya, peace be upon her, has started. The old grille is being removed in preparation for the new one to be installed. Some parts of the grille have already been transferred…
Rukban camp for displaced people lacks basic necessities of living

Rukban camp for displaced people lacks basic necessities of living

Like other camps for the displaced and Syrian refugees, the Rukban camp, on the Jordanian-Iraqi border, lacks the basic necessities of life. Due to the state of war and poor living conditions, children in this camp have been deprived of…
Representative of Ayatollah Shirazi urges students of religious sciences to assume their full responsibilities

Representative of Ayatollah Shirazi urges students of religious sciences to assume their full responsibilities

The representative of the Supreme Religious Authority, His Eminence, Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, His Eminence Sheikh Jalal Maash, emphasized on the necessity of striving to create a missionary religious group that bears the missionary responsibility towards knowledge, morals,…
Syrian MP warns of Al-Hol camp designated for ISIS family members

Syrian MP warns of Al-Hol camp designated for ISIS family members

A member of the Syrian People’s Assembly, Muhammad Fawaz, confirmed that Al-Hol camp is a source of concern for Syria and the entire region, warning against slipping again into chaos. Fawaz said in a press interview, followed by Shia Waves…
Iraq suspends repatriations from Syria’s notorious ISIS camp al-Hol

Iraq suspends repatriations from Syria’s notorious ISIS camp al-Hol

Iraq’s new government seems to be taking the issue of thousands of its citizens still in a camp across the border in Syria seriously and has focused on it in meetings in the very first days of its mandate. Exactly…
After a 4-year hiatus, Syrian artist returns to work on the largest Quran in the world

After a 4-year hiatus, Syrian artist returns to work on the largest Quran in the world

The Syrian artist, Riad Nawaf Al-Radi, said that he returned again to work on his project, which aims to prepare the largest Noble Quran in the world in a distinctive way, after a hiatus of about four years. Al-Radi confirmed…
Cholera spreads across Syria putting vulnerable people at serious risk

Cholera spreads across Syria putting vulnerable people at serious risk

Cholera continues to spread rapidly in all governorates of Syria, amid weak health infrastructure. Fears prevail that the disease will spread to countries neighboring Syria, with cases of infection increasing on a daily basis, and lack of solutions to eliminate…
Quranic session held at Lady Zainab Holy Shrine   

Quranic session held at Lady Zainab Holy Shrine   

The Imam Hussain Holy Shrine organized a Quranic session at the Holy Shrine of Lady Zainab, peace be upon her, in Damascus, Syria. According to the website of the Holy Shrine, it was held by the International Quranic Preaching Center.…
Activists and Shia citizens demand the construction of a new grille for Lady Ruqayya Holy Shrine

Activists and Shia citizens demand the construction of a new grille for Lady Ruqayya Holy Shrine

Activists and Shia citizens in Syria and several Arab and Islamic countries launched an important campaign, in which they called for the construction of a decent grille for the Holy Shrine of Lady Ruqayya, the daughter of Imam Hussein (peace…
Zainabiya Seminary in Syria celebrates birth of Prophet and Imam al-Sadiq (peace be upon them)

Zainabiya Seminary in Syria celebrates birth of Prophet and Imam al-Sadiq (peace be upon them)

A joyful ceremony was held in Hussainiyah of Zainabiya Women’s Seminary, affiliated to Grand Ayatollah Shirazi, in Sayyida Zainab region (peace be upon her in Syria, in celebration of the births of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his…
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