
TTP aims to push Pakistan govt out of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: US report says

TTP aims to push Pakistan govt out of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: US report says

A US State Department report has warned that the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) aims to push the government of Pakistan out of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and establish Sharia by waging a terrorist campaign against the military and state, Pakistan-based Dawn newspaper reported.…
Pakistan crackdown on Afghan refugees leaves ‘four dead’ and thousands in cells

Pakistan crackdown on Afghan refugees leaves ‘four dead’ and thousands in cells

Refugees are reportedly dying in Pakistani prisons, and children are being arrested and tied together with ropes, as a wave of detentions and deportations spreads fearamong the hundreds of thousands of Afghans who have crossed the border since the Taliban…
A new investigation shows Shias live in terror as sectarian violence increases in Pakistan

A new investigation shows Shias live in terror as sectarian violence increases in Pakistan

In Pakistan, unarmed and helpless Shias are marching on a one-way street to annihilation, as the mercenaries who treat Shias like sitting ducks on the receiving end still remain at large and protected by the military, reported Baltimore Post-Examiner (BPE).…
Afghan refugees protest in Islamabad against UNHCR’s failure to review their cases

Afghan refugees protest in Islamabad against UNHCR’s failure to review their cases

Dozens of Afghan migrants in Islamabad on Monday said they have protested for more than three weeks in front of the Society for Human Rights and Prisoners’ Aid (SHARP) Office, however, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has…
At least 60 migrants including newborn dead after boat falls apart off coast of Italy

At least 60 migrants including newborn dead after boat falls apart off coast of Italy

At least 60 migrants have been killed after the vessel carrying them sunk off the coast of Italy. The Italian coast guard spotted about 30 bodies after a migrant boat broke apart in rough seas off the southern coast of…
Border crossing with Afghanistan closed after clash injures Pakistani soldier

Border crossing with Afghanistan closed after clash injures Pakistani soldier

Afghanistan and Pakistan Monday closed the main border crossing between them after an exchange of fire amid soaring ties between the Afghan Taliban and Islamabad. At least one Pakistan border guard was injured in the border clash near the Torkham…
At least four killed as Pakistani Taliban militants attack police in Karachi

At least four killed as Pakistani Taliban militants attack police in Karachi

Militants launched a deadly suicide attack on the police headquarters of Pakistan’s largest city on Friday, with the sound of gunfire and explosions rocking the heart of Karachi for several hours. Two police officers, a ranger and a civilian were…
Peshawar mosque attack puts Pakistan in difficult security situation

Peshawar mosque attack puts Pakistan in difficult security situation

Pakistan recently witnessed a suicide bombing at a mosque in a highly fortified police compound in Peshawar, Pakistan. The Jan. 30 Peshawar bombing occurred when Pakistan is already dealing with daunting challenges such as domestic political tensions, a cost-of-living crisis,…
Some locals in Pakistan’s Jandol area request government to list Jama Masjid on UNESCO

Some locals in Pakistan’s Jandol area request government to list Jama Masjid on UNESCO

According to Rawan Bakht, a local elder, the wooden mosque was built around 206 years ago, during the governance of Ghazi Umrah Khan (who is famously know as “the Afghan Napoleon”). This mosque, is a historical and important building, which…
Pakistan’s top rights group raises ‘alarm’ on religious freedom

Pakistan’s top rights group raises ‘alarm’ on religious freedom

A prominent rights group in Pakistan has expressed “considerable alarm” over the state of religious freedom in the country. In its report titled A Breach of Faith: Freedom of Religion or Belief in 2021-22 released on Tuesday, the Human Rights…
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