
Pakistan: Saylani Welfare Trust accused of refusing aid to a predominantly Shia village

Pakistan: Saylani Welfare Trust accused of refusing aid to a predominantly Shia village

Pakistan is currently experiencing its worst floods this century and has been appealing to the world for immediate aid. Saylani Welfare Trust has been travelling around the affected areas of Pakistan providing aid and support. However, when a local phoned…
Pakistan floods kill another 24 people

Pakistan floods kill another 24 people

Another 24 people lost their lives in flood-related incidents across Pakistan over the past 24 hours, pushing the overall tally to 1,314, the country’s national disaster agency said on Sunday. A majority of the latest fatalities, 19, were reported from…
Pakistan: UN mobilizes efforts to assist people affected by torrential rains 

Pakistan: UN mobilizes efforts to assist people affected by torrential rains 

The UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR, is mobilizing resources and staff to scale up its assistance in Pakistan to support local communities and refugees in areas devastated by the catastrophic floods. Some 33 million people have been affected by the weeks-long…
UN calls for emergency aid for Pakistan in wake of monsoon floods

UN calls for emergency aid for Pakistan in wake of monsoon floods

The United Nations and Pakistan have issued an appeal for $160 million in emergency funding to help millions affected by record-breaking floods that have killed more than 1,150 people since mid-June. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Tuesday that Pakistan’s…
‘Epic’ Pakistan floods show need for climate action

‘Epic’ Pakistan floods show need for climate action

Cataclysmic flooding in Pakistan, triggered by unprecedented monsoon rainfall and glacial melting, has killed over 1,000 people and destroyed hundreds of thousands of homes and millions of acres of crops, affecting more than 30 million Pakistanis and causing billions of…
Imam Shirazi World Foundation calls on Shias to help the affected people in Pakistan

Imam Shirazi World Foundation calls on Shias to help the affected people in Pakistan

The Imam Shirazi World Foundation has called on Shias to help those affected in Pakistan by the recent floods. In a statement received by Shia Waves News Agency, the Foundation stated that it had received news of the natural disaster…
State of emergency declared in Pakistan due to increase in flood victims

State of emergency declared in Pakistan due to increase in flood victims

After the number of flood victims in Pakistan increased, reaching 937 people, a state of emergency was declared in the country. The Government of Pakistan declared a state of emergency in a 3-hour meeting to review the situation caused by…
Pakistan: Conference highlights the sacrifices of Imam al-Sajjad (peace be upon him)

Pakistan: Conference highlights the sacrifices of Imam al-Sajjad (peace be upon him)

The Punjab Arts Council in Pakistan held a special conference on the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Zain al-Abidin (peace be upon him), in cooperation with the Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) Central Center and the Diyara Cultural Organization. According…
Pakistan condemns India’s plan to make Muslims second class citizens

Pakistan condemns India’s plan to make Muslims second class citizens

Pakistan on Monday, August 22, joined the world community in expressing solidarity with the victims of religious violence, and deplored India’s “sinister” plan to cleanse the country of its Muslim heritage and make Muslims second class citizens and even non-citizens.…
Iraq grants Pakistan 25,000 entry visas to its citizens wishing to commemorate the Arbaeen

Iraq grants Pakistan 25,000 entry visas to its citizens wishing to commemorate the Arbaeen

Yesterday, the Iraqi ambassador to Pakistan, Hamid Abbas Lafta, assured the Pakistani Minister of Expatriates and Human Development, Sajid Hussain Al-Turi, that his country will provide the necessary facilities to receive Pakistani pilgrims to participate in the commemoration of the…
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