
UN decides five-fold increase in Pakistan aid appeal

UN decides five-fold increase in Pakistan aid appeal

The UN’s decision to increase the appeal for aid in response to the Pakistan floods from US $160 million to $816 million will mean humanitarian organizations and the Pakistan government can better help families in need as the country faces…
PAC holds Islamic calligraphy exhibition

PAC holds Islamic calligraphy exhibition

The Punjab Arts Council (PAC) organized an Islamic Calligraphy exhibition in connection with Ashra Shan-e-Rehmatulil Alameen. Political Assistant to Chief Minister Punjab, Arooj Raza Sayyami, was the chief guest of the opening ceremony along with Chief Executive Officer of Pakistan…
Shia reciter martyred in Sialkot

Shia reciter martyred in Sialkot

A reciter in Sialkot, Pakistan, was shot dead in broad daylight on 2nd October whilst he was reciting majalis of Imam Hussain, peace and blessings be upon him. Naveed Ashiq was shot three times in the abdominal area. The shooter…
Pakistan floods’ death toll nears 1,700, puts pressure on fragile economy

Pakistan floods’ death toll nears 1,700, puts pressure on fragile economy

The death toll from the cataclysmic floods in Pakistan neared 1,700, officials said on Saturday October 1st, a disaster that has displaced over 33 million and caused economic damages to the tune of $40 billion, fanning fears that the cash-strapped…
Pakistan: Strict measures against offenders of Abu Talib, peace be upon him

Pakistan: Strict measures against offenders of Abu Talib, peace be upon him

Pakistani media said yesterday, Friday, that the Ministries of Education and Higher Education in the Northwest Province (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) issued strict instructions to delete false information about the personality and biography of Abu Talib, the father of the Commander of…
Militant group attacks Shia pilgrims commemorating martyrdom of Imam Redha in Pakistan

Militant group attacks Shia pilgrims commemorating martyrdom of Imam Redha in Pakistan

Karachi police closed the shrine of Abdullah Shah Ghazi, after an attack by an extremist group on Shia pilgrims of the shrine, who were commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Redha (peace be upon him). The shrine, which is located on…
Pakistan battles disease surge as flood deaths surpass 1,600, The Washington Post reported

Pakistan battles disease surge as flood deaths surpass 1,600, The Washington Post reported

Pakistan deployed thousands more doctors and medics to battle the outbreak of disease as the death toll from the unprecedented floods that have gripped the country this summer surpassed 1,600 on Friday, officials said yesterday, Friday. The disaster management agency…
Pakistan: Sialkot Arbaeen Procession Attacked

Pakistan: Sialkot Arbaeen Procession Attacked

Activists of a radical Islamist Sunni group attacked a Shia Arbaeen procession on 18th September in Pakistan’s Punjab province, Sialkot, leaving at least 15 people injured.  According to an official report, the procession was going to the Hussainiyah in Sialkot,…
Anti-Shia militancy on rise in Pakistan

Anti-Shia militancy on rise in Pakistan

A new form of Sunni militancy is creeping across many new areas in Pakistan, threatening Shias, Ahmadis and non-Muslim minorities. The growth of sectarian violence in Pakistan has long been driven by the Sunni groups from the military and political…
Pakistan: Large meeting at the state level to commemorate the Arbaeen of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him)

Pakistan: Large meeting at the state level to commemorate the Arbaeen of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him)

The Council of Ministers in the Pakistani province of Punjab, headed by the Chairman of the Parliamentary Affairs and Environmental Protection Committee, held a wide meeting to discuss the necessary preparations for holding mourning processions on the Arbaeen of Imam…
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