Islam World

730,000 illiterate women in Saudi Arabia

730,000 illiterate women in Saudi Arabia

Women account for 60 percent of illiterate residents in Saudi Arabia, according to studies conducted by the Central Department of Statistics & Information.   Almost 730,000 women cannot read or write, according to the study. More than 426,000 men, by…
Yemeni Shias to continue anti-government rallies

Yemeni Shias to continue anti-government rallies

Leader of Yemen’s Shia Houthi movement says anti-government protests will continue in the capital Sana’a as people demonstrate for the fifth consecutive day to force the Yemeni government to resign. He also called on Yemenis to gather for Friday prayers…
Saudi Shias hold anti-regime protest in Qatif

Saudi Shias hold anti-regime protest in Qatif

A fresh anti-regime protest has been staged in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province despite the ongoing crackdown on rallies.   Demonstrators in the Qatif region slammed the regime’s suppression of the Shia population. Protesters also expressed solidarity with jailed clerics including…
Residents of Amerli, ISIL-besieged Shia town, fighting on their own

Residents of Amerli, ISIL-besieged Shia town, fighting on their own

Amerli, a town170km north of Baghdad, has been under siege by terrorists of the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) for more than two months.   The town is home to members of Iraq’s Shia Turkmen minority,…
The people of Karbala mark the martyrdom anniversary of Imam al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, inside the courtyard of al-Askariyian Holy Shrine

The people of Karbala mark the martyrdom anniversary of Imam al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, inside the courtyard of al-Askariyian Holy Shrine

The people of Karbala mark the martyrdom anniversary of Imam al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, inside the courtyard of al-Askariyian Holy Shrine   In the same context, al-Fidaa Wal Walla’ Caravan headed from the holy cities of Karbala and Kadhimiya,…
Pakistani Shias martyred in a terrorist attack in Karachi

Pakistani Shias martyred in a terrorist attack in Karachi

Yazidi takfiri nasbi takfiri terrorists shot martyred 3 Shia caretakers of a saint’s shrine in Karachi.   The martyrs belonging to Hazrat Nazar Shah Shrine embraced martyrdom when takfiri terrorists ambushed them. Shia parties and leaders have condemned the targeted…
Yemen’s Houthis demand more share on power

Yemen’s Houthis demand more share on power

Houthi Shias have staged a massive sit-in in Yemen demanding the government’s resignation and a greater share in power.   Protests gained momentum despite concessions made by the government earlier. The Yemeni demonstrators said they would continue protests until their…
Prisoners in Bahrain continue hunger strike

Prisoners in Bahrain continue hunger strike

Bahraini prisoners of conscience have said to be determined to continue their hunger strike movement in the hope that their actions will prompt the authorities to review their repressive policy and eventually give in to the people’s calls for democratic…
10 Saudi ISIL terrorists killed in fresh Iraqi army operations

10 Saudi ISIL terrorists killed in fresh Iraqi army operations

Iraqi army and volunteer tribesmen have launched an anti-terrorist operation against terrorists of the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) Takfiri group, killing at least 20 terrorists, including 10 Saudi nationals in Diyala province.   A military…
Iraqi Shias facing massacre by ISIL in Amerli

Iraqi Shias facing massacre by ISIL in Amerli

Senior UN official has warned that Shia Turkmen residents of an Iraqi town besieged by the ISIL Takfiri terrorists could be massacred if urgent action is not taken to rescue them. The residents of this small Shia Turkmen community about…
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