Islam World

IS demolishes mosques in Mosul and threatens to behead worshippers

IS demolishes mosques in Mosul and threatens to behead worshippers

Iraqi army media reported that terrorists of the so-called Islamic State forced worshippers in 10 mosques at least in Mosul city to evacuate the place, and threatened to behead them, under the pretext that shrines are built near the mosques.…
Two Shia brothers martyred

Two Shia brothers martyred

Takfiri terrorists of banned Sipah-e-Sahaba shot martyred two Shia brothers in Karachi. Takfiri terrorists of banned Sipah-e-Sahaba shot martyred two Shia brothers in Karachi. The two brothers embraced martyrdom in their shop when the takfiri terrorists opened fire on them…
Human rights groups rap Bahrain for jailing activists

Human rights groups rap Bahrain for jailing activists

Several human rights groups have denounced the Bahraini regime for jailing more activists and continued suppressing of dissident voices. Several human rights groups have denounced the Bahraini regime for jailing more activists and continued suppressing of dissident voices. The human…
Saudi Grand Mufti declares Prophet’s birthday celebrations as heresy

Saudi Grand Mufti declares Prophet’s birthday celebrations as heresy

Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-e-Sheikh, the Saudi Grand Mufti in Friday Prayers of Riyadh declared celebrating birthday of the Prophet of Islam, peace be upon him and his progeny, as heresy and superstition. Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-e-Sheikh, the Saudi Grand Mufti…
Licenses to be legalized for Husseini caravans in Kuwait

Licenses to be legalized for Husseini caravans in Kuwait

Kuwaiti newspapers mentioned the probability of passing a new law forcing Husseini caravans to have official licenses to continue their activities during the Month of Muharram. Kuwaiti newspapers mentioned the probability of passing a new law forcing Husseini caravans to…
Afghan army mortar fire kills dozens at wedding party

Afghan army mortar fire kills dozens at wedding party

At least 26 civilians have been killed and over 40 wounded after Afghan army mortar rockets targeted a wedding party in southern Helmand. Most of the victims are believed to be women and children. At least 26 civilians have been…
Bahraini regime arrest a number of Bahrainis including women and children

Bahraini regime arrest a number of Bahrainis including women and children

Bahraini authorities have arrested a number of Bahrainis including women and children in a crackdown on anti-regime protests. Bahraini authorities have arrested a number of Bahrainis including women and children in a crackdown on anti-regime protests. The regime forces also…
ISIL cuts Internet service in Mosul

ISIL cuts Internet service in Mosul

Terrorists of the so-called “Islamic State” have stopped Internet service in Mosul, Ninawa province of Iraq, by severing and blowing up cables and broadcasting towers. Terrorists of the so-called “Islamic State” have stopped Internet service in Mosul, Ninawa province of…
IS destroys different part of historical mosque to ground in Mosul

IS destroys different part of historical mosque to ground in Mosul

IS takfiri terrorists exploded the Sultan Wais mosque in the Farooq neighborhood of Mosul in the northern Nineveh province on the pretext that it had been built on a graveyard. IS takfiri terrorists exploded the Sultan Wais mosque in the…
Najaf police arrest IS family trying to infiltrate to holy Najaf

Najaf police arrest IS family trying to infiltrate to holy Najaf

The Iraqi security forces in Holy Najaf arrested an IS terrorist family before infiltrating to the holy city. The Iraqi security forces in Holy Najaf arrested an IS terrorist family before infiltrating to the holy city. The Director of the…
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