Islam World

Saudis deliberately target schools and kill kids in Yemen

Saudis deliberately target schools and kill kids in Yemen

deliberate targeting of schools across Yemen by Saudi Arabia   Amnesty International decried the deliberate targeting of schools across Yemen by Saudi Arabia, which has been conducting indiscriminate bombings against the impoverished country since March.   The UK-based rights group…
Bahraini court acquits five policemen of torture charges

Bahraini court acquits five policemen of torture charges

Bahrain’s First High Criminal Court acquitted  five policemen   Bahrain’s First High Criminal Court acquitted  five policemen of charges of torturing detainees to extract false confessions. Since 2011, the violations committed by security forces against citizens have increased, following the…
Haqqani weapons depot seized in Logar and three suspects arrested

Haqqani weapons depot seized in Logar and three suspects arrested

Afghanistan’s intelligence agency has seized a weapons depot   Afghanistan’s intelligence agency has seized a weapons depot of Haqqani terrorist network, responsible for some of Afghanistan’s deadly bombings and attacks, in central Logar province. According to sources, the cache was…
Saudi Arabia carrying out ‘unprecedented wave’ of executions

Saudi Arabia carrying out ‘unprecedented wave’ of executions

Saudi Arabia’s use of the death penalty has sparked international alarm   Saudi Arabia’s use of the death penalty has sparked international alarm. According to reports, more than 150 people have been executed – the highest figure recorded by human rights…
Three killed in raid on suspected militant’s home in Lebanon

Three killed in raid on suspected militant’s home in Lebanon

At least three people have been killed in northern Lebanon   At least three people have been killed in northern Lebanon during a raid on the home of a suspected militant. Two civilians and the suspect, who blew himself up,…
Qatif Friday prayers worshippers voice solidarity with Sheikh Nimr

Qatif Friday prayers worshippers voice solidarity with Sheikh Nimr

Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province voiced their solidarity with Ayatollah Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr     Friday prayer worshippers in Qatif region of Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province voiced their solidarity with Ayatollah Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr and other innocent political prisoners. According to media…
Violations of religious freedoms on the rise in Bahrain

Violations of religious freedoms on the rise in Bahrain

Activists in Bahrain shed light on the violations of religious freedom   Activists in Bahrain shed light on the violations of religious freedom perpetrated by the Bahraini Authorities last October in the days of Ashura, where the country sees wide…
Pakistan hangs four convicted of school massacre

Pakistan hangs four convicted of school massacre

Pakistan on Wednesday hanged four militants linked to a Taliban   Pakistan on Wednesday hanged four militants linked to a Taliban massacre at a school in the city of Peshawar, the first time it has executed anyone convicted in the…
Afghan security forces detain 11 terrorists in Kunduz Province

Afghan security forces detain 11 terrorists in Kunduz Province

11 members of Jundallah Takfiri terrorist group in Afghanistan   Security forces have arrested 11 members of Jundallah Takfiri terrorist group in Afghanistan’s Northern Province of Kunduz. In a Wednesday statement, Afghanistan’s National Directorate of Security announced that 11 members…
Egyptian Ministry of Endowments bans Shias from practicing Arbaeen rituals

Egyptian Ministry of Endowments bans Shias from practicing Arbaeen rituals

The Egyptian Ministry of Endowments plans to launch an investigation     The Egyptian Ministry of Endowments plans to launch an investigation with some Egyptian satellite channels for broadcasting what they called “Shia celebration on the occasion of Arbaeen,” Arab…
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