Islam World

Pakistani Shia, Sunni delegation examines Iraq’s peaceful coexistence between faiths

Pakistani Shia, Sunni delegation examines Iraq’s peaceful coexistence between faiths

Pakistani delegation including Sunni scholars and journalists to examine the peaceful coexistence between   The International Media of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine has invited a Pakistani delegation including Sunni scholars and journalists to examine the peaceful coexistence between the…
Quran in Braille gifted to the blind association in Yemen

Quran in Braille gifted to the blind association in Yemen

copies of the Holy Quran in Braille to the Rehabilitation Association for the Blind in Seiyun city   Kuwait’s Nur Al-Furqan Institute gifted copies of the Holy Quran in Braille to the Rehabilitation Association for the Blind in Seiyun city…
347 Shia buried in mass graves by Nigerian military, Kaduna state official confirms

347 Shia buried in mass graves by Nigerian military, Kaduna state official confirms

The Kaduna State government announced on Monday that 347 Shiites were killed by Nigerian troops and buried in mass graves in December 2015. Secretary to the State Government Balarabe Lawal made the announcement during the Public Hearing of the Judicial…
Suicide bombing kills dozen of Afghan army recruits

Suicide bombing kills dozen of Afghan army recruits

At least 12 people were killed and dozens wounded on Monday when a suicide bomber attacked a bus carrying Afghan army recruits near Afghanistan’s eastern city of Jalalabad, officials have said.     At least 12 people were killed and…
Afghanistan earthquake shakes major cities

Afghanistan earthquake shakes major cities

6.6 earthquake has been felt across a number of major cities across south-west Asia   A magnitude 6.6 earthquake has been felt across a number of major cities across south-west Asia. The earthquake struck in Afghanistan, close to its border…
Funeral prayers of three Pakistani martyrs offered in Karachi

Funeral prayers of three Pakistani martyrs offered in Karachi

Funeral prayers of Karachi’s martyrs have been held at IncholiI mambargah   Funeral prayers of Karachi’s martyrs have been held at IncholiI mambargah Shuhadae Imambargah in Bafarzone. According to local sources, terrorists of banned Ahl e Sunnat wal-Jamat had martyred…
Historic Shia Chair Celebrated at Inauguration Banquet

Historic Shia Chair Celebrated at Inauguration Banquet

The first academic chair dedicated to Shia Studies in North America had its formal debut earlier this year at an inauguration banquet at Hartford Seminary.     The first academic chair dedicated to Shia Studies in North America had its…
ISIS terrorists shell Aleppo district with chemical gas, 23 killed

ISIS terrorists shell Aleppo district with chemical gas, 23 killed

Syrian city of Aleppo, which is held by Kurdish YPG militias, has been shelled with chemical agents   A neighborhood in the Syrian city of Aleppo, which is held by Kurdish YPG militias, has been shelled with chemical agents from…
Saudi Arabia used US cluster bombs in Yemen market attacks

Saudi Arabia used US cluster bombs in Yemen market attacks

(HRW) says Saudi Arabia used US-made cluster bombs in two recent airstrikes on a busy market in Yemen   The Human Rights Watch (HRW) says Saudi Arabia used US-made cluster bombs in two recent airstrikes on a busy market in…
Two Pakistani Shia martyred, one injured by terrorists in Karachi

Two Pakistani Shia martyred, one injured by terrorists in Karachi

Shia Muslims were shot martyred by takfiri terrorists of Ahl-e-Sunnat-Wal-Jamaat   At least three Shia Muslims were shot martyred by takfiri terrorists of Ahl-e-Sunnat-Wal-Jamaat (ASWJ) near Shafiq Mor area of Karachi on Friday. Hashim, Ali Sajjad and Shamim Rizwi were…
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