Islam World

Foiled storming to Shia mosque in Qateef by unknown militants

Foiled storming to Shia mosque in Qateef by unknown militants

Unknown militants tried to storm Imam Mahdi Mosque in Sehat, Qateef   Unknown militants tried to storm Imam Mahdi Mosque in Sehat, Qateef, after stabbing the security guard and horrifying worshipers. Eyewitnesses said the militants exchanged fire with security forces,…
Cleanliness campaign launched in Pindi in Pakistan in preparations for Muharram

Cleanliness campaign launched in Pindi in Pakistan in preparations for Muharram

A cleaning campaign has been launched in Pakistan to clean the routes of Muharram A cleaning campaign has been launched in Pakistan to clean the routes of Muharram processions. All government departments including the tehsil municipal administrations, Water and Sanitation…
Bahraini forces insult and take down “Ashura” flags and banners

Bahraini forces insult and take down “Ashura” flags and banners

The activists posted photos of the civil defense forces accompanied by a large number of Interior Ministry security   Activists on social media said that the Bahraini authorities took down flags and banners for Ashura season which the Shia majority…
Saudi authorities to execute another Shia youth activist

Saudi authorities to execute another Shia youth activist

A prominent rights group has warned about the imminent beheading of another young Shia citizen    A prominent rights group has warned about the imminent beheading of another young Shia citizen in Saudi Arabia, saying courts in the kingdom keep…
Al Khalifa regime desecrates religious symbols of Muharram

Al Khalifa regime desecrates religious symbols of Muharram

Al Khalifa security forces raided the village of Damstan and started to seize the flags and placards of Muharram   On the beginning of Muharram mourning rituals, Al Khalifa regime has started its violation against the rights of religious freedom…
15 terrorists killed in clashes with Syrian army near Zabadani region

15 terrorists killed in clashes with Syrian army near Zabadani region

sources said that the Syrian Army carried out a powerful assault on the positions of al-Nusra Front   Military sources said over 15 terrorists were killed in fierce clashes between the Syrian army forces and the terrorist groups in the…
Funeral ceremony of Mina victims held in Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi’s house in Qom

Funeral ceremony of Mina victims held in Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi’s house in Qom

The ceremony was attended by a large number of scholars, high-ranking people, and crowds of followers   To offer condolences to the families of Mina’s victims, a funeral ceremony was held at the meeting hall of the honorable house of the…
Imam Hussein Holy Shrine to hold book fair

Imam Hussein Holy Shrine to hold book fair

The Department of Exhibitions of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine in Karbala   The Department of Exhibitions of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine in Karbala, Iraq, will open a permanent book fair in the holy city of Qom. According to…
Kuwait prepares security plan for Muharram

Kuwait prepares security plan for Muharram

The plan is aimed at maintaining law and order and preventing offenders   Kuwait’s Interior Ministry has prepared a security plan for the month of Muharram which includes the deployment of security forces and police officers to help protect the…
Mass wedding ceremony on Eid al-Ghadir in Shia city of al-Zahraa in Syria

Mass wedding ceremony on Eid al-Ghadir in Shia city of al-Zahraa in Syria

A mass wedding ceremony was held in the Shia city of al-Zahraa   A mass wedding ceremony was held in the Shia city of al-Zahraa of Aleppo province in Syria. 110 young men and women from Shia city of Nubbul…
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