Islam World

Saudi artist paints deadly stampede at the Hajj

Saudi artist paints deadly stampede at the Hajj

saudi Shia artist, Ali Mahdi al-Jashi, portrayed a beautiful picture of death   Saudi Shia artist, Ali Mahdi al-Jashi, portrayed a beautiful picture of death of hundreds of pilgrims in recent Hajj tragedy. On Thursday morning, at least 717 people…
Al-Diyar: convoy of Saudi prince caused Hajj disaster

Al-Diyar: convoy of Saudi prince caused Hajj disaster

Prince Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud played a central role in the deadly crush on the third day   The presence of the convoy of the son of the Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud in central Mina prompted the stampede…
Yemen mosque blasts: Sana’a medics report multiple casualties

Yemen mosque blasts: Sana’a medics report multiple casualties

The blast happened on Thursday in the al-Balili mosque   A bomb attack targeting Shia worshippers at a mosque in Yemen’s capital has killed at least 25 people and wounded dozens more during prayers for the Muslim holiday of Eid…
Millions of Hajj pilgrims gather in Mina to perform Jamarat

Millions of Hajj pilgrims gather in Mina to perform Jamarat

Muslim pilgrims gathered in Mina near the holy city of Mecca to throw stones at a pillar   Over two million Muslims take part in a ritual called Jamarat, or the Stoning of the Devil, in Mina, Saudi Arabia, as the…
UN rights experts urge Riyadh to stop child executions

UN rights experts urge Riyadh to stop child executions

The experts also voiced concern over the fate of Ali Mohammed al-Nimr, who was arrested during an anti-government protest   A group of human rights experts affiliated with the United Nations has called on the Saudi regime to stop executing…
Jordanian regime fighting Shii`sm and Saudi Arabia escalating hostility towards Shia’s

Jordanian regime fighting Shii`sm and Saudi Arabia escalating hostility towards Shia’s

SRW strongly condemned a decision taken by the Jordanian government to remove the history of Shias   During the past few days, Shia Rights Watch released a weekly report to mention the latest violations against Shias in the Middle East.…
Pilgrims perform Wuquf-e-Arafat today

Pilgrims perform Wuquf-e-Arafat today

Two million white-clad Muslims from across the globe began the hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia   Two million white-clad Muslims from across the globe began the hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia. The intending pilgrims have performed the main pillar of…
Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia begins

Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia begins

The Saudi authorities are deploying 100,000 security personnel, including members of the counter-terrorism   Two million and four hundred people from all over the world are expected in Saudi Arabia’s holy cities of Mecca and Medina for the annual Islamic…
Martyrdom anniversary of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir marked in the house of the Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi

Martyrdom anniversary of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir marked in the house of the Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi

Mourning ceremonies were held in his Eminence's house to mark this sad occasion   Martyrdom anniversary of the fifth infallible Imam, Imam Muhammad al-Baqir, peace be upon him, was marked in the honorable house of the Eminent Grand Ayatollah Sayed…
Temporary ceasefire begins in 4 Syrian towns

Temporary ceasefire begins in 4 Syrian towns

The decision was to be implemented starting from 12:00 pm on Sunday A new temporary truce has begun between Syrian forces and al-Qaeda offshoot opposition forces in four Syrian towns, a group that monitors the Syrian conflict has reported.According to…
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