Islam World

Terrorists clash with Syrian Arab Army as they attempt to capture strategic hilltops

Terrorists clash with Syrian Arab Army as they attempt to capture strategic hilltops

The Syrian Al-Qaeda groups “Jabhat Al-Nusra” and “Jund Al-Aqsa” offensively targeted, the strategic villages   The Syrian Al-Qaeda groups “Jabhat Al-Nusra” and “Jund Al-Aqsa” offensively targeted, the strategic villages of Tal Al-Eiss and Banes, southern Aleppo, that are currently under…
Saudi puts 55 people to death, most without trial

Saudi puts 55 people to death, most without trial

planning to execute dozens of people, including women and teenagers, most of them without trial   Saudi Arabia is planning to execute dozens of people, including women and teenagers, most of them without trial, the European Saudi Organization for Human…
UAE deports hundreds of Iraqis, mostly Shia

UAE deports hundreds of Iraqis, mostly Shia

on Thursday that the United Arab Emirates has deported 436 Iraqis, most of them Shias   The Committee of Foreign Relations in the Iraqi Council revealed on Thursday that the United Arab Emirates has deported 436 Iraqis, most of them…
25-year-old is sentenced to 13 years in prison over ‘religiously offensive’ Facebook post

25-year-old is sentenced to 13 years in prison over ‘religiously offensive’ Facebook post

prison for allegedly posting “religiously offensive material” on his Facebook page   A Pakistani man has been sentenced to 13 years in prison for allegedly posting “religiously offensive material” on his Facebook page, it has been reported. Rizwan Haider, 25,…
Saudi Wahhabi forces severely torture Shia Muslim to death

Saudi Wahhabi forces severely torture Shia Muslim to death

Muslim man has reportedly lost his life in captivity after being tortured at the hands of Saudi regime   A young Shia Muslim man has reportedly lost his life in captivity after being tortured at the hands of Saudi regime…
New English Translation of Quran Enrages Saudis

New English Translation of Quran Enrages Saudis

new translation of the holy Quran, with commentary, is causing a stir   A new translation of the holy Quran, with commentary, is causing a stir—and maybe something of a revolution—in the world of English-speaking Muslims. The new translation and…
Training course titled “Are Women Human?” raises controversy in Saudi Arabia

Training course titled “Are Women Human?” raises controversy in Saudi Arabia

Consulting has announced a new training course entitled, “Are Women Human?”   The Saudi Academy for Training and Consulting has announced a new training course entitled, “Are Women Human?” causing a wide stir by activists on social networking sites and…
Center for Defending Rights and Freedom calls for termination of Saudi airstrikes

Center for Defending Rights and Freedom calls for termination of Saudi airstrikes

calls for the international community to stop the Saudi airstrikes on innocent Yemeni civilians   Adam Center for Defending Rights and Freedoms calls for the international community to stop the Saudi airstrikes on innocent Yemeni civilians. The center condemned the…
Iraqi football player nears contract termination by Egyptian club because of his faith

Iraqi football player nears contract termination by Egyptian club because of his faith

contract termination of the Iraqi football striker AmjadRadhi who was recently signed in January   Claims inside the Egyptian sport club Smouha called for contract termination of the Iraqi football striker AmjadRadhi who was recently signed in January for a…
Pakistan Police: Shootouts Near Karachi Kill 12 Militants

Pakistan Police: Shootouts Near Karachi Kill 12 Militants

Pakistani police raided two militant hideouts on the outskirts of the port city of Karachi   Pakistani police raided two militant hideouts on the outskirts of the port city of Karachi, sparking shootouts in which 12 militants were killed, a…
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