Islam World

Afghanistan’s victims of earthquake receive UNICEF relief supplies

Afghanistan’s victims of earthquake receive UNICEF relief supplies

More than 80 tonnes of UNICEF medical supplies arrived in Kabul yesterday, including medicines, medical equipment, as well as midwifery and surgical kits, for children, pregnant women, and families following several devastating earthquakes in Herat, western Afghanistan. Funded by the…
Pakistan’s self-exiled former PM Nawaz Sharif returns home ahead of elections

Pakistan’s self-exiled former PM Nawaz Sharif returns home ahead of elections

Nawaz Sharif, Pakistan’s thrice-elected former prime minister, has returned home after four years of self-exile in the United Kingdom to stand in next year’s elections against his biggest rival, former premier Imran Khan. The 73-year-old veteran politician arrived by chartered…
Earthquake in Afghanistan leaves survivors suffering staggering health consequences

Earthquake in Afghanistan leaves survivors suffering staggering health consequences

The World Health Organization warns that tens of thousands of survivors of a series of powerful 6.3 magnitude earthquakes that struck western Afghanistan’s Herat province between October 7 and 15 are in desperate need of humanitarian aid and essential health…
6.3 magnitude earthquake hits northwestern Afghanistan

6.3 magnitude earthquake hits northwestern Afghanistan

Another powerful earthquake measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale shook northwestern Afghanistan on Sunday, killing at least one person and injuring dozens of others, Anadolu Agency reported. The earthquake rocked the provincial capital Herat at 8:06 a.m. local time, a…
Islamic State conducts suicide bombing at Shia mosque in Afghanistan; another attack against Hazara Shiites

Islamic State conducts suicide bombing at Shia mosque in Afghanistan; another attack against Hazara Shiites

Shiites and Hazaras of Afghanistan were once again targeted by a terrorist attack while praying in the mosque as a suicide bombing ripped through a Shiite mosque in northern Afghanistan on Friday, martyring 40 and injuring 60 other worshippers. Islamic…
Afghans in UK Visa Limbo as Pakistan Vows to Expel Migrants

Afghans in UK Visa Limbo as Pakistan Vows to Expel Migrants

In the aftermath of the Taliban’s resurgence in Afghanistan in 2021, many Afghan refugees sought sanctuary in the United Kingdom. However, a growing number of these refugees now find themselves trapped in a state of visa limbo.  The process of…
UN confirms over 90% of earthquake victims in Afghanistan were women, children

UN confirms over 90% of earthquake victims in Afghanistan were women, children

UN officials confirmed on Thursday that more than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children. According to Taliban officials, Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders…
As national elections draw near, anti-Shia sectarian violence increases in Pakistan

As national elections draw near, anti-Shia sectarian violence increases in Pakistan

Pakistani media news agencies documented new study which confirms that with the elections drawing near, Pakistan is witnessing an escalation of sectarian violence, primarily targeting religious minorities including Shia Muslims. The recent study conducted by Dr. Zakaria Kareem revealed that…
Afghanistan earthquake death toll climbs amid frantic search, rescue efforts

Afghanistan earthquake death toll climbs amid frantic search, rescue efforts

Taliban officials have put the death toll from the two back-to-back 6.3 magnitude earthquakes that hit Western Afghanistan on Saturday between 2,000 and 2,400, warning that many are still unaccounted for in the remote quake region. While the world rushed…
Mazar-i-Sharif-based office of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi distributes financial aids to disadvantaged families

Mazar-i-Sharif-based office of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi distributes financial aids to disadvantaged families

The office of the Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, in Afghanistan’s Mazar-i-Sharif province distributed today, Monday, the monthly financial aids to thousands of families in the city. The office said in a statement followed by Shia…
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