
Mortar round blast kills 2 children in Afghanistan

Mortar round blast kills 2 children in Afghanistan

Two children were killed as a mortar round left over from past wars went off in Afghanistan’s Badghis province, provincial police spokesman Sediqullah Seddiqi said on Wednesday. A similar accident claimed the lives of two children in Bagram district of…
Rising enrolment of girls in Madrasas as Taliban ban on female education continues in Afghanistan

Rising enrolment of girls in Madrasas as Taliban ban on female education continues in Afghanistan

The Taliban’s ban on female education in Afghanistan has had a devastating effect, depriving girls of the opportunity to pursue higher education and professional careers. This has led to a surge in teenage girls enrolling in madrasas, or religious schools,…
Shia Hazaras face restrictions in Afghanistan

Shia Hazaras face restrictions in Afghanistan

Sakhi Shrine in Afghanistan is an extremely important monument for the Shia Hazaras residing in the country. Today, Taliban forced people out of the shrine and closed its door, many fearing the doors are closed forever under Taliban’s government. Taliban…
UNICEF: Hundreds of children die as temperatures continue to drop in Afghanistan

UNICEF: Hundreds of children die as temperatures continue to drop in Afghanistan

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) stated that due to a combination of the bitterly cold weather this winter and illnesses, hundreds of children have passed away this January, as per its official Twitter account. The tweet brings up that…
Mesbah Al-Hussain Foundation, in cooperation with IHC, distributes firewood to Afghan families

Mesbah Al-Hussain Foundation, in cooperation with IHC, distributes firewood to Afghan families

In cooperation with the IHC organization (Imam Hussein Charity), the Misbah Al-Hussein Foundation for Relief and Development, affiliated with the Office of the Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadiq Al-Husseini Al-Shirazi, distributed firewood to the poor and needy families…
Western sanctions cause hunger in rural Afghanistan

Western sanctions cause hunger in rural Afghanistan

While the cries of Afghan people fall on deaf ears, international institutions warn of an impending, catastrophic scenario if citizens continue to be oppressed and ignored. In its latest report, the World Health Organization has warned that this year, an…
Rights Groups warn of arbitrary arrests of journalists by Taliban

Rights Groups warn of arbitrary arrests of journalists by Taliban

The Taliban have arbitrarily detained nearly 2,000 people in Afghanistan since they regained power in August 2021, according to a report by a rights group released earlier last month. Human Rights Watch has warned of arbitrary arrests and detention of…
Afghans living through poverty, unemployment and dysfunctional healthcare system

Afghans living through poverty, unemployment and dysfunctional healthcare system

A dysfunctional health system, widespread poverty and increased restrictions placed on women are at the heart of the current humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, according to a new report published by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) today. Policymakers, donors and local authorities…
Amid severe cold waves, nearly 20 million Afghans face food insecurity: a report says

Amid severe cold waves, nearly 20 million Afghans face food insecurity: a report says

The Washington Post said that Afghanistan is facing the worst winter in years, explaining that many families cannot buy coal or firewood for heating under the rule of Taliban The newspaper Indicated – in its report – that 40 million…
Office of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi in Mazar-i-Sharif drills 120-meter-deep well to provide people with water

Office of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi in Mazar-i-Sharif drills 120-meter-deep well to provide people with water

Drilling work on a 120-meter-deep well with a 30,000 square meter water storage tank has begun in the Fatimah al-Zahraa Mosque in Mazar-i-Sharif in Afghanistan to provide poor people with access to water. It is worth mentioning that this humanitarian…
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