
Amid severe cold waves, nearly 20 million Afghans face food insecurity: a report says

Amid severe cold waves, nearly 20 million Afghans face food insecurity: a report says

The Washington Post said that Afghanistan is facing the worst winter in years, explaining that many families cannot buy coal or firewood for heating under the rule of Taliban The newspaper Indicated – in its report – that 40 million…
Office of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi in Mazar-i-Sharif drills 120-meter-deep well to provide people with water

Office of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi in Mazar-i-Sharif drills 120-meter-deep well to provide people with water

Drilling work on a 120-meter-deep well with a 30,000 square meter water storage tank has begun in the Fatimah al-Zahraa Mosque in Mazar-i-Sharif in Afghanistan to provide poor people with access to water. It is worth mentioning that this humanitarian…
Office of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi in Herat in cooperation with Misbah Al-Hussein Foundation launch ‘Born in Kabaa’ Competition

Office of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi in Herat in cooperation with Misbah Al-Hussein Foundation launch ‘Born in Kabaa’ Competition

Based on directions of the Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, may Allah prolong his life, his honorable office in the city of Herat in Afghanistan launched training courses and ‘Born in Kabaa Competition’ for young people…
Taliban says it cannot yet announce a “certain date” for reopening girls’ schools

Taliban says it cannot yet announce a “certain date” for reopening girls’ schools

Taliban, through its spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, said that it cannot yet announce a “certain date” for reopening schools for girls above sixth grade. Nearly 500 days have passed since secondary schools in Afghanistan were closed, preventing thousands of girls from…
Turkey deports 139 Afghan migrants without official documents

Turkey deports 139 Afghan migrants without official documents

A total of 139 Afghan migrants, who entered Turkiye illegally, were deported on Saturday, said the head of Turkiye’s Migration Management Directorate, reports Anadolu Agency. As part of the work carried out according to the Irregular Migration Strategy Document and…
UN Food Agency: Afghan Malnutrition Rates at Record High

UN Food Agency: Afghan Malnutrition Rates at Record High

Malnutrition rates in Afghanistan are at record highs with half the country enduring severe hunger throughout the year, a spokesman for the World Food Program said Thursday. The Taliban takeover in August 2021 drove millions into poverty and hunger after…
UN deputy chief warns against stopping aid to Afghanistan

UN deputy chief warns against stopping aid to Afghanistan

The United Nations Deputy Secretary-General says she opposes cutting aid to Afghanistan as a response to the Taliban’s policies towards women and girls. Amina Mohammed, the UN deputy chief, and Sima Bahous the head of UN Women, briefed senior EU…
Human rights group accuses Taliban of arbitrarily detaining nearly 2,000 people in Afghanistan

Human rights group accuses Taliban of arbitrarily detaining nearly 2,000 people in Afghanistan

Taliban Movement has arbitrarily detained nearly 2,000 people in Afghanistan since it returned to power in August 2021, according to a report by a rights group. The report stated that “among the detainees are mainly former government employees, female demonstrators,…
Orphanage of Sayyidah Fatima Al-Zahraa Complex distributes financial grants to orphan families in Kabul

Orphanage of Sayyidah Fatima Al-Zahraa Complex distributes financial grants to orphan families in Kabul

The orphanage of Sayyidah Fatima Al-Zahraa Complex, which is affiliated to the Supreme Religious Authoruty in Kabu, Afghanistan, distributed the monthly aid to the families of orphans and the needy. The aid distributed to them included financial grants with baskets…
On the Int’l Day for Education, Shirazi Foundation sends a message to support Afghan girls and women

On the Int’l Day for Education, Shirazi Foundation sends a message to support Afghan girls and women

On the International Day of Education for Afghan girls and women, Shirazi Foundation sent a message to the international community, affirming its solidarity with them by returning to their studies in schools and universities, as it is a human right.…
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