
Indonesian scholar: Only for Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) should we weep and feel sorry for the killing of our fellow human beings

The Indonesian Sunni scholar, Sheikh Yahya Zain al-Maaref, said that we must always remember and weep for the incident of the martyrdom of the grandson of the Noble Prophet, Imam Hussein (peace be upon him).

Zain al-Maaref recalled, in a television interview, the painful incident of al-Taff and the martyrdom of Imam Hussein and his family and companions (peace be upon them) on the land of Karbala.

He stated that “we must remember and weep for what happened to the grandson of the Noble Prophet (peace be upon him and his family), and feel sorry for the killing of our fellow human beings.”

“There are people who feel sorry for killing ants and mosquitoes but they don’t feel it for their fellow human beings,” he added.

Sheikh Zain al-Maaref cited a narration on the authority of a questioner who asked one of the jurists about the killing of flies and mosquitoes during Hajj, and he replied: “You are asking about killing flies, and you have killed the son of the daughter of the Messenger of God (peace be upon him and his family).”

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