
Indonesian Muslims Launch “Environmental Jihad” to Protect the Planet

Indonesian Muslims are leading an “environmental jihad” to protect the country’s fragile ecology, drawing inspiration from the Quran, TRTWorld reported in an article yesterday.

As the world’s most populous Muslim-majority nation, Indonesia has faced growing climate disasters, prompting activists and imams to take action.

According to the article, the top Muslim clerical body, the Ulama Council, has issued a fatwa declaring environmental damage as “haram” or forbidden. Islamic organizations like Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah are integrating environmental education and sustainable practices into their extensive networks of schools, universities and community programs.

High-profile initiatives include the Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta, the largest in Southeast Asia, which underwent an eco-friendly renovation. Leveraging faith as a driving force, Indonesian Muslims are spearheading a holistic effort to protect the planet, seeing environmental stewardship as a sacred duty.

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