International Nonviolence Organization condemns the offensive statements to the Prophet (pbuh) and warns against Indian actions against Muslims

The International Nonviolence Organization, Free Muslim, has expressed its strong condemnation of the irresponsible statements made by some Indian party leaders insulting the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, peace be upon him and his progeny, and the subsequent violations against Muslim protesters, warning of a malicious agenda that seeks to sedition and prejudice civil peace and social security in the state.
In a statement, the organization stated that it had seen with great regret the brutal statements issued by some official leaders of the ruling party, as well as the subsequent violations and attacks against Muslim protesters against those statements, in undisciplined and racist measures committed by the security forces against Muslim citizens, as the authorities turned towards escalation and violence instead of its eagerness to calm down and address the situation to ensure that the opportunity is missed by suspicious parties seeking to spread chaos and religious and racial conflicts.
The organization called on the Indian authorities to present an official apology for the abuse of Muslims in general and its citizens in particular, and urgently hold those behind these disturbances to account in order to preserve the unity and harmony of the Indian peoples and societies.