
India: Muslim Body Urges Religion-Neutral SC Status for Dalit Muslims and Christians

The All India Pasmanda Muslim Mahaz (AIPMM) has called on a central commission to make India’s Scheduled Caste (SC) list religion-neutral and to grant SC status to Dalit Muslims and Christians, Deccan Herald reported yesterday.

A delegation led by Ali Anwar Ansari, former Rajya Sabha MP, met with the commission, headed by former Chief Justice K G Balakrishnan. They emphasized the need for inclusivity of Dalit and Adivasi Muslims, as they are currently excluded from the SC list established by the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order of 1950.

Despite their significant presence, Muslims face under-representation in jobs, legislatures, and government institutions. The AIPMM highlighted ongoing struggles since 2004, with numerous petitions filed in the Supreme Court seeking the removal of restrictions that prevent Dalit Muslims and Christians from being recognized as SCs.

The commission was appointed in 2022 to explore the possibility of granting SC status to those who have converted to religions outside Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism.

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