Indian doctors successfully perform first-ever telesurgery using robotic instruments

A team of Indian doctors from Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre in Delhi’s Rohini city has successfully performed the first-ever telesurgery using the first indigenous surgical robot, The Times of India reported.

According to the report, the fibre-optic cable played a crucial role because a reliable connection was necessary between the doctor and the robot, located 40km away from each other.

The surgical procedure, lasting one hour and 45 minutes, was carried out remotely from Gurgaon city, with the surgeon controlling the robotic instruments through a console.

The patient, who was suffering from urinary bladder cancer, remained at the centre for further medical care from the local medical staff present at the hospital through the entire operation.

The report highlighted that surgical robots manufactured by international companies are expensive, making it unfeasible to deploy them in smaller Indian cities or towns.

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