
Heatwave in India Strains Power Grid, Threatens Outages

Millions in northern India are enduring a brutal heatwave, pushing the electricity grid to its limits, The Guardian reported yesterday.

According to the article, soaring temperatures have caused a surge in demand for power, with air conditioners and coolers running constantly.

Power consumption has jumped by over 40% in some areas compared to last year. Engineers warn that the situation is becoming “serious” and could lead to widespread blackouts.

The heatwave has caused misery for many, with even overnight temperatures offering little relief. People working outdoors, like street vendors and construction workers, are particularly vulnerable. Water shortages in poor neighborhoods are worsening the already difficult conditions.

Those fortunate enough to have the means are fleeing to cooler hill stations, but even these areas are facing water shortages and unseasonably high temperatures.

The heatwave is a stark reminder of the growing threat posed by climate change. Scientists say heatwaves are becoming more frequent and intense, raising concerns about the future stability of India’s power grid.

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