
Indian Muslims Face Islamophobic Crimes on State, Social Levels in 2024

Indian Muslims have long faced harassment and discrimination under nationalist Hindutva regimes on various grounds. From social injustice, to loss of properties and rights to operate businesses, the list goes on as India is looking at the prospect of Narendra Modi securing an unprecedented third term.

A first-of-its-kind report by the IHL released earlier this year mapped the spread of anti-Muslim hate speech across the country, documenting a total of 668 hate speech events.

During his election rallies Prime Minister Narendra Modi utilized several provocative statements to stir Hindu sentiments of the majority against the minority Muslims, further fuelling the ongoing anti-Islam campaign which has led to aggressive policies such as ban on madrasas in in Uttar Pradesh.

Hindu vigilante mobs have lynched Muslims on several occasions and targeted small Muslim-owned businesses. Petitions have been filed against mosques, and internet trolls have orchestrated online “auctions” of Muslim women.

In February, Amnesty International demanded India’s widespread unlawful demolitions of Muslims’ homes, businesses and places of worship through the use of JCB bulldozers and other machines must stop immediately, after several reports were published by rights organizations.

These incidents highlight the urgent need to address Islamophobia and promote tolerance and understanding in India.

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