
US Watchdog Records Numerous Election Rallies in India Targeting Muslims

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have faced criticism for their anti-Muslim rhetoric during the country’s parliamentary elections.

The campaign, marked by incendiary speeches targeting Muslims, involves top BJP members like Home Affairs Minister Amit Shah and Defense Minister Rajnath Singh.

Hindutva Watch, a U.S.-based watchdog, has documented hundreds of such speeches, VOA reported yesterday in an article.

Amidst the campaign, Modi’s comments warning of wealth redistribution among “infiltrators”, awarding minority quotas to them, shutting down a revered Hindu temple, and “those who have more children” drew backlash, the article added.

The BJP’s strategy includes exploiting issues like “land jihad,” “love jihad,” and “vote jihad”, the article mentioned.

Critics view this rhetoric as fear-mongering tactics aimed at voter mobilization, the news agency noted.

While hate speech is not a crime in India, these tactics highlight the ongoing communal tensions in the country’s diverse electoral landscape.

India’s election, the world’s largest, will conclude on June 1, with results announced on June 4.

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